No por miedo a errar vas a dejar de jugar.

Mi foto
Simpática, sociable, divertida, positiva, creativa, comprensiva, extrovertida, decidida, justa, compañera, alegre, respetuosa, sincera, apasionada, amable, humilde, amigable, solidaria, llamativa, neutra, segura, fiel, carismática, imaginativa, puntual, directa, defensiva. Miedosa, impulsiva, distraída, sensible, egoísta, vengativa, rencorosa, vaga, cabeza dura, charlatana, arriesgada, impaciente, orgullosa, inquieta, celosa, contestadora.

martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009

Everyday, I think of you. I think a little bit more of you, I take apart my heart and something inside me is destroyed.
Everyday I think of you. I think a little bit more of you. Everytime that the sun comes out, I look for a bit of courage to continue this way, and I see you; that I didn't touch you in that way. I pray for you every night. It dawns and I think of you. The tick-tock of the clocks rumbles in my ears and I keep thinking of you, and I keep thinking.

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